Fourth Floor


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Law / Debate Club
This room also has somewhat of a dark academia color and architecture scheme to it, and is where not only Law classes are held, but where the Debate Club meets. There’s various posters of famous political figures, tables, chairs, and also podiums.
This room also has somewhat of a dark academia color and architecture scheme to it, and is where not only Law classes are held, but where the Debate Club meets. There’s various posters of famous political figures, tables, chairs, and also podiums.
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History Club
This room has a complete dark academia vibe, with the color scheme and furniture and architecture and everything. There’s various posters of historical figures and pictures of historical events. There’s also plenty of bean bag chairs and tables.
This room has a complete dark academia vibe, with the color scheme and furniture and architecture and everything. There’s various posters of historical figures and pictures of historical events. There’s also plenty of bean bag chairs and tables.
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All History classrooms are found here.
All History classrooms are found here.
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All Politics classrooms are found here.
All Politics classrooms are found here.
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All Geography classrooms are found here.
All Geography classrooms are found here.
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All Philosophy classrooms are found here.
All Philosophy classrooms are found here.
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Numerous special events, such as dances, are held here. The ballroom is one of the largest places in the academy. It's absolutely luxurious and has numerous chandeliers on the ceiling. There's also a dining room.
Numerous special events, such as dances, are held here. The ballroom is one of the largest places in the academy. It's absolutely luxurious and has numerous chandeliers on the ceiling. There's also a dining room.
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The final floor of the academy. Besides some more classrooms, this floor also contains the attic, as well as the ballroom for any special events occurring at the school.
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