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Personal Boards
Having a personal board gives you the opportunity to store thread trackers, character ideas, and more! How you use it is up to you.
Having a personal board gives you the opportunity to store thread trackers, character ideas, and more! How you use it is up to you.
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created by jt! More to Come!
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last post created Jul 11, 2022 21:43:05 GMT -6
by jt!
jt! Avatar
created by jt! Open Staff Applications!
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last post created Jul 9, 2022 18:14:56 GMT -6
by jt!
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Personal boards and plotters are found here. To request a personal board, message a staff member here or in the discord! You can also request one in the chatbox at the bottom of the site's home page. You can also play games and introduce yourself in this board!
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